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Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011


NAME :SyncOutsideR






Untuk memberika Skill kepada pet, pertama summon pet nya
Pencet "P" di keyboard, klik Skill Tab, Drag skill ke slot kosong
Untuk menggunakan skill dari pet, drag skill dari skill tab ke Hotkey/Shortcut
Gunakan seperti skill biasa

Daftar skill :
Burning Crash (lv1 219 power, lv2 230 power)
Strike Attack (lv1 114 power + 53x3 poison, lv2 128 power + 56x3 poison)
Earthwave (lv1 312 power, lv2 318 power / -Move speed)
Rune Impact (lv1 306 power, lv2 311 power / Stun)
Sword Storm (lv1 138 power, lv2 143 power / AOE)
Blazing Body (lv1 30 power + 21x8 burn, lv2 35 power + 28x8 burn / AOE)
Fire Ball (lv1 127 power, lv2 146 power)
Wind Strike (lv1 132 power, lv2 144 power)
Holy Upper (lv1 238 power, lv2 251 power)
Chill Breeze (lv1 86 power, lv2 96 power / Sleep)
Lightning Stun (lv1 195 power, lv2 209 power / Stun)
Blizzard (lv1 134 power, lv2 142 power / AOE Sleep)
Meteor (lv1 301 power, lv2 315 power / AOE)
Heal (lv1 36 power, lv2 66 power)
Great Heal (682 power)
Might (+3% Phy. Attack)
Shield (+2.7% Phy. Defense)
Fighter Heart (+3 STR)
Zephyr (+3 DEX)
Bless Wind (+3.3% Move speed)
Intelligent (+3 INT)
Wisdom (+3 WIS)
Attract Circle (lv1 5193 Hate, lv2 5448 Hate / AOE)
Shield Barrier (lv1 +275% Phy.Def +315% Mag.Def, lv2 +300% Phy.Def +330 Mag.Def)


1. Daftar di NPC "Celerian" di Alker Harbor
2. Masukin data diri
3. Pencet "D" di keyboard anda
4. Cari pasangan dengan memilih region, age, and sex
5. Setelah ketemu pasangan tinggal klik matching dan pilih lv DD yang sesuai


1. Pet bisa dibeli di NPC "Tasartia" di Alker Harbor (ada 5 macam , hanya beda ekspresi)
2. Equip pet dan Pet Food bisa didapat dari NPC "Serie" di Naila Village kanan bawah
3. Pet berevolusi pada lvl 20,50, dan 80 (ada 3 type pet evolution capsule, dibeli di "Serie)
4. Maximal lvl pet adalah 100
5. Tiap pet berevolusi, dia akan mendapat tambahan slot skill (skill pet bisa stack)
6. Penggunaan skill pet sama dengan penggunaan skill biasa (drag ke Hotkey)


1. Cari "Angel Wing`s Feather" (3 buah), bisa didapatkan dari :
* The Way to the Howling Ravine : Red Feather Harpy, Gryphon
* Howling Ravine : Outraged Gryphon, Wild Red Harpy
* DD lv 41-60 : Vain Passion Harpy, Cupid Eater Gryphon, Couple Breaker Gryphon
2. Tekan "S" di keyboard Anda, pilih Tab action, dobel klik Construct
3. Masukkan Angel Wing`s Feather ke slot Construct supaya kliatan bahan2 lain yg dibutuhkan
4. Beli item yang lain ada di NPC Tasartia di Alker Harbor (HQ Gem construct dari gem biasa di tambah Flame Stone)
5. Setelah bahan sudah tersedia tinggal "construct" dengan masukin "Angel Wing`s Feather"


ini range craft, bonus statusnya

level = 1~30 (range = 1 ~ 6)

level = 31 ~ 50 (range = 4 ~ 12)

level = 51 ~ 80 (range = 8 ~ 18)

level = 81 ~ 110 (range = 12 ~ 24)

level = 111 ~ 150 (range = 16 ~ 30)

equip nama warna biru, merah, dan ungu hanya bisa di reinforce ama HQ

Strength = 30%
Intelligence = 5%
Dexterity = 30%
Wisdom = 5%
Vitality = 30%

Strength = 35%
Intelligence = 5%
Dexterity = 25%
Wisdom = 5%
Vitality = 30%

Strength = 30%
Intelligence = 5%
Dexterity = 25%
Wisdom = 5%
Vitality = 35%

Strength = 25%
Intelligence = 5%
Dexterity = 40%
Wisdom = 5%
Vitality = 25%

Strength = 30%
Intelligence = 5%
Dexterity = 30%
Wisdom = 5%
Vitality = 30%

Strength = 30%
Intelligence = 5%
Dexterity = 30%
Wisdom = 5%
Vitality = 30%

Strength = 1%
Intelligence = 39%
Dexterity = 1%
Wisdom = 34%
Vitality = 25%

Strength = 2%
Intelligence = 41%
Dexterity = 2%
Wisdom = 35%
Vitality = 20%

Light Armor
Strength = 27%
Intelligence = 3%
Dexterity = 35%
Wisdom = 2%
Vitality = 33%

Heavy Armor
Strength = 33%
Intelligence = 2%
Dexterity = 23%
Wisdom = 2%
Vitality = 40%



Howling Ravine


Howling Cave Floor 1


Howling Cave Floor 2


Dryed Gazell Fall


Dark Portal


Distorted Crack


Valley of the Fairy


Ghost Tree Swamp

Lair of Kierra


Nera Harbor

File:Nera  harbor boss.png

Great Garden


Graveyard of Nera Knight

File:graveyard  boss.png


Philo chance

option chance

1 = 70%
2 = 20%
3 = 7.5%
4 = 2%
5 = 0.5%

status type

lvl 0-39 pilo stone

plus_strength ( 7.00% ) = 1 ~ 4
plus_intelligence ( 7.00% ) = 1 ~ 4
plus_dexterity ( 7.00% ) = 1 ~ 4
plus_wisdom ( 7.00% ) = 1 ~ 4
plus_vitality ( 7.00% ) = 1 ~ 4
plus_physic_attack ( 5.00% ) = 0.5 ~ 1.5
plus_physic_defense ( 5.00% ) = 0.5 ~ 1.5
plus_magic_attack ( 5.00% ) = 0.5 ~ 2.5
plus_magic_defense ( 5.00% ) = 0.5 ~ 2
plus_critical_rate ( 5.00% ) = 1 ~ 10
plus_critical_damage ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
plus_accuracy ( 5.00% ) = 1 ~ 5
plus_evade ( 5.00% ) = 1 ~ 4
plus_move_speed ( 2.00% ) = 1 ~ 15
plus_life ( 10.75% ) = 1 ~ 50
plus_mana ( 10.75% ) = 1 ~ 50
plus_recovery_life ( 2.00% ) = 1 ~ 3
plus_recovery_mana ( 2.00% ) = 1 ~ 3
percent_strength ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_intelligence ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_dexterity ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_wisdom ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_vitality ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_physic_attack ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_physic_defense ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_magic_attack ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_magic_defense ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_critical_rate ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_critical_damage ( 1.50% ) = 0.5% ~ 1.5%
percent_accuracy ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_evade ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_move_speed ( 1.00% ) = 1% ~ 3%
percent_life ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_mana ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_recovery_life ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_recovery_mana ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0

lvl 40 ~ 74 pilo stone

plus_strength ( 7.00% ) = 2 ~ 7
plus_intelligence ( 7.00% ) = 2 ~ 7
plus_dexterity ( 7.00% ) = 2 ~ 7
plus_wisdom ( 7.00% ) = 2 ~ 7
plus_vitality ( 7.00% ) = 2 ~ 7
plus_physic_attack ( 5.00% ) = 0.5 ~ 2.5
plus_physic_defense ( 5.00% ) = 0.5 ~ 2.5
plus_magic_attack ( 5.00% ) = 0.5 ~ 3.5
plus_magic_defense ( 5.00% ) = 0.5 ~ 3
plus_critical_rate ( 5.00% ) = 3 ~ 15
plus_critical_damage ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
plus_accuracy ( 5.00% ) = 2 ~ 7
plus_evade ( 5.00% ) = 2 ~ 6
plus_move_speed ( 2.00% ) = 3 ~ 17
plus_life ( 10.75% ) = 30 ~ 100
plus_mana ( 10.75% ) = 30 ~ 100
plus_recovery_life ( 2.00% ) = 1 ~ 3.5
plus_recovery_mana ( 2.00% ) = 1 ~ 3.5
percent_strength ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_intelligence ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_dexterity ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_wisdom ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_vitality ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_physic_attack ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_physic_defense ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_magic_attack ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_magic_defense ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_critical_rate ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_critical_damage ( 1.50% ) = 0.5% ~ 2%
percent_accuracy ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_evade ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_move_speed ( 1.00% ) = 1% ~ 3%
percent_life ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_mana ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_recovery_life ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0

level 75 ~ 99


plus_strength ( 7.00% ) = 3 ~ 9.5
plus_intelligence ( 7.00% ) = 3 ~ 9.5
plus_dexterity ( 7.00% ) = 3 ~ 9.5
plus_wisdom ( 7.00% ) = 3 ~ 9.5
plus_vitality ( 7.00% ) = 3 ~ 9.5
plus_physic_attack ( 5.00% ) = 0.8 ~ 2.5
plus_physic_defense ( 5.00% ) = 0.8 ~ 2.5
plus_magic_attack ( 5.00% ) = 1 ~ 4
plus_magic_defense ( 5.00% ) = 1 ~ 3.5
plus_critical_rate ( 5.00% ) = 5 ~ 20
plus_critical_damage ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
plus_accuracy ( 5.00% ) = 2 ~ 7
plus_evade ( 5.00% ) = 2 ~ 6
plus_move_speed ( 2.00% ) = 5 ~ 19
plus_life ( 10.75% ) = 50 ~ 130
plus_mana ( 10.75% ) = 50 ~ 130
plus_recovery_life ( 2.00% ) = 1.5 ~ 3.5
plus_recovery_mana ( 2.00% ) = 1.5 ~ 3.5
percent_strength ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_intelligence ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_dexterity ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_wisdom ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_vitality ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_physic_attack ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_physic_defense ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_magic_attack ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_magic_defense ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_critical_rate ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_critical_damage ( 1.50% ) = 1% ~ 2.5%
percent_accuracy ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_evade ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_move_speed ( 1.00% ) = 1.5% ~ 3.5%
percent_life ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_mana ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_recovery_life ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0

level 100 ~ 124


plus_strength ( 7.00% ) = 4 ~ 11.5
plus_intelligence ( 7.00% ) = 4 ~ 11.5
plus_dexterity ( 7.00% ) = 4 ~ 11.5
plus_wisdom ( 7.00% ) = 4 ~ 11.5
plus_vitality ( 7.00% ) = 4 ~ 11.5
plus_physic_attack ( 5.00% ) = 1 ~ 3
plus_physic_defense ( 5.00% ) = 1 ~ 3
plus_magic_attack ( 5.00% ) = 1.5 ~ 4
plus_magic_defense ( 5.00% ) = 2 ~ 4.5
plus_critical_rate ( 5.00% ) = 7 ~ 23
plus_critical_damage ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
plus_accuracy ( 5.00% ) = 3 ~ 10
plus_evade ( 5.00% ) = 2 ~ 8
plus_move_speed ( 2.00% ) = 5 ~ 20
plus_life ( 10.75% ) = 100 ~ 170
plus_mana ( 10.75% ) = 100 ~ 170
plus_recovery_life ( 2.00% ) = 1.5 ~ 3.5
plus_recovery_mana ( 2.00% ) = 1.5 ~ 3.5
percent_strength ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_intelligence ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_dexterity ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_wisdom ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_vitality ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_physic_attack ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_physic_defense ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_magic_attack ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_magic_defense ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_critical_rate ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_critical_damage ( 1.50% ) = 1% ~ 3%
percent_accuracy ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_evade ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_move_speed ( 1.00% ) = 1.5% ~ 4%
percent_life ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_mana ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_recovery_life ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0
percent_recovery_mana ( 0.00% ) = 0 ~ 0


1. Pergi ke NPC "Tasartia" di Alker Harbor
2. Beli Philosopher Stone sesuai dengan lv equip yang akan anda Philo
3. Double klik Philosopher Stone dan masukkan equip yang akan di Philo
4. Klik OK


1. Tekan "S" di keyboard anda, pergi ke tab Action, pilih Construct, terus double klik
2. Masukkan bahan yang akan di buat dan sediakan bahan2 tambahan yang dibutuhkan
3. Klik Construct, masukkan jumlah yang akan dibuat dan klik OK


1. Siapin dolo equip yang mau di reinforce
2. Pergi ke NPC "Tasartia" di Alker Harbor
3. Beli Gem yang diinginkan (tidak semua gem bisa dimasukan ke tiap jenis equip)
4. Tekan "S" di keyboard anda, pergi ke tab Action, pilih Reinforce, terus double klik
5. Masukkan Equip dan gem yang akan ditambahkan (untuk equip rare harus memakai HQ gem)
6. Klik reinforce



+0 ~> +1 : 100.00%
+1 ~> +2 : 85.00%
+2 ~> +3 : 72.25%
+3 ~> +4 : 61.41%
+4 ~> +5 : 52.20%
+5 ~> +6 : 44.37%
+6 ~> +7 : 37.71%
+7 ~> +8 : 32.06%
+8 ~> +9 : 27.25%
+9 ~> +10 : 23.16%
+10 ~> +11 : 19.69%
+11 ~> +12 : 16.73%
+12 ~> +13 : 14.22%
+13 ~> +14 : 12.09%
+14 ~> +15 : 10.28%


1. Siapin dolo equip yang mau di enchant
2. Pergi ke NPC "Tasartia" di Alker Harbor
3. Beli Enchant protection scroll dan equipment scroll (sesuaikan dengan lv equip anda)
4. Tekan "S" di keyboard anda, pergi ke tab Action, pilih Enchant, terus double klik
5. Masukin equip dan enchant scroll ke window baru (Enchant ke +1 aman)
6. Setelah +1, caranya berubah. Double klik item Enchant Protection Scroll
7. Masukin equip ama enchant scroll nya (ada kemungkinan gagal, tetapi equip tidak hancur)
8. Bisa sampai +7, lebih dari itu butuh Blessed Pukerian Scroll (+8 - +12)
9. Max Enchant +15



Slime; Health: 71 - Lvl 1
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, manastone piece, odd powder, magic powder, Apprentice's Gloves, Simple Sword, Wooden Bow, Knife, spirit of the Earth: gate of the Alker, seed[Lv 1]: flower of life, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Fungus Pawn; Health: 85 - Lvl 2
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, mind stone piece, odd powder, tear of the spirit, Apprentice's Sandals, spirit of the Earth: gate of the Alker, Sickle, seed[Lv 1]: flower of life, Club, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Ghost Flower; Health: 96 - Lvl 3
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, aquamarine piece, odd powder, tear of the spirit, Copper Ring, Apprentice's Robe, spirit of the Earth: gate of the Alker, seed[Lv 1]: flower of the spirit, Heavy Sword,Cutting Ax, Heavy Club, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Fungus Rook; Health: 106 - Lvl 4
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, manastone piece, odd powder, tear of the spirit, Apprentice's Wand, spirit of the Earth: gate of the Alker, seed[Lv 1]: flower of life, Old Leather Armor, Wand of Protection, Wooden Shield, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Red Turtle; Health: 128 - Lvl 5
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, emerald piece, animal leather piece, tear of the spirit, Old Leather Gloves, Oak Wand, seed[Lv 1]: flower of the spirit, Short Bow, Dagger, spirit of the Earth: gate of the Alker, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Crying Flower; Health: 142 - Lvl 6
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, manastone piece, tear of the spirit, Copper Earring, Old Leather Long Boots, spirit of the Earth: gate of the Alker, Bone Gauntlets, seed[Lv 1]: flower of the spirit, Spiked Club, Hatchet, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

King Slime; Health: 152 - Lvl 7
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, mind stone piece, odd powder, Cotton Robe, Cotton Gloves, Copper Gauntletsm Copper Plate Boots, spirit of the Earth: gate of the Alker, seed[Lv 1]: flower of life, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Fungus Knight; Health: 166 - Lvl 8
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, sapphire piece, odd powder, magic powder, Copper Necklace, Zweihander, Wooden Hammer, Double Edge Ax, spirit of the Earth: gate of the Alker, seed[Lv 1]: flower of life, Accesswell

High Turtle; Health: 176 - Lvl 9
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, opal piece, animal leather piece, Traveler's Leather Armor, spirit of the Earth: gate of the Alker, Traveler's Leather Long Boots, Bronze Sword, seed[Lv 1]: flower of life, Monster of the integers - Lv 20


Bust (slime boss); Health: Health: 1538 - Lvl 4
Drops: Bull's Hood, ruby piece, Harmel, Orichalcum piece, Elephant's Spiked Club, Radiant Spirit Necklace, Hatchet, Spiked Club, Crocodile's Bronze Sword, Fox's Hatchet

Rose (flower boss); Health: 1944 - Lvl 6
Drops: Bear's Leather Helmet , emerald piece, Wiesel, Durelin piece, Coyote's Oak Wand, Family Ring, Short Bow, Oak Wand, Crocodile's Dagger, Fox's Short Bow

Kusku (fungus boss); Health: 2542 - Lvl 11
Drops: Rabbit's Hood, opal piece, Accesswell, moonstone piece, Surveilant's Long Sword, Fox's Heavy Mace , Brandish, Iron Edge Ax, Heavy Mace, Crocodile's blendish, Crocodile's Steel Ax

Seolkata (turtle boss); Health: 2606 - Lvl 12
Drops: Parrot's Hood, aquamarine piece, Harmel, argentum piece, Turtle Mail Shield, Coyote's Wizard's Wand, Dirk, Bow of the Hunter, Wand of the Wizard, Fox's Dirk, Crocodile's Bow of the Hunter


Bambooboo; Health: 300 - Lvl 10
Drops: Panda Costume, Panda Mask, Panda Boots, Panda Gloves, lowest Mana potion, seed[Lv 1]: flower of life, seed[Lv 1]: flower of the spirit, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Rotten Board; Health: 300 - Lvl 10
Drops: Chicken Costume, Chicken Head, Chicken Boots, Chicken Gloves, lowest Mana potion, Monster of the integers - Lv 20


Leopard; Health: 196 - Lvl 10
Drops: emerald piece, animal leather piece, animal leather pattern: armor, Philosopher's Leather Armor, spirit of the Earth: Alker harbor, Philosopher's Leather Gloves, Buckler, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Gnoll; Health: 209 - Lvl 11
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, emerald piece, flax piece, flax cloth pattern: robe, Mace, Tomahawk, Long Sword, spirit of the Earth: Alker harbor, Brigandine Gauntlets, Brigandine Boots, Wiesel

Kobold; Health: 220 - Lvl 12
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, heart stone piece, copper mold: sword, Elven Gloves, Philosopher's Leather Long Boots, Philosopher's Leather Gloves, Elven Boots, Bow of the Hunter, Kobold Costume Mask(7days), Kobold Costume Body(7days), Kobold Costume Gloves(7days), Kobold Costume Boots(7days)

Sharp Gnoll; Health: 233 - Lvl 13
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, emerald piece, flax piece, animal leather piece, Dirk, spirit of the Earth: Alker harbor, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Brown Kobold; Health: 244 - Lvl 14
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, heart stone piece, copper ingot, copper pattern mold: armor, Elven Robe, Elven Gloves, Wand of the Wizard, Kobold Costume Mask(7days), Kobold Costume Body(7days), Kobold Costume Gloves(7days), Kobold Costume Boots(7days), Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Lizardman; Health: 271 - Lvl 15
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, ruby piece, copper ore, copper mold: dagger, Brandish, Brigandine, Heavy Mace, Iron Edge Ax, Lizardman Costume Mask(7days), Lizardman Costume Body(7days), Lizardman Costume Gloves(7days), Lizardman Costume Boots(7days)


Gepat (leopard boss); Health: 2725 - Lvl 13
Drops: Cat's Leather Helmet , sapphire piece, Accesswell, Litheon piece, Dark Knight's Leather Gloves, Elephant's Hunting Knife, Broad Sword, Cabali Sword, Hunting Knife, Crocodile's Broad Sword , Crocodile's Cavalli Sword

Brashi (gnoll boss); Health: 3307 - Lvl 16
Drops: Bull's Hood , ruby piece, Wiesel, Orichalcum piece, Perished Ax of the Battle, Fox's Steel Hammer, Broad Sword, Skull Breaker, Iron Hammer, Crocodile's Broad Sword , Elephant's Skull Breaker

Goodfellow (kobold boss); Health: 3371 - Lvl 17
Drops: Rabbit's Hood, opal piece, Harmel, moonstone piece, Slayer's Hammer, Elephant's Goblin Slayer, Cabali Sword, Crocodile's Heavy Tomahawk , Kobold Costume Mask(7days), Kobold Costume Body(7days), Kobold Costume Gloves(7days), Kobold Costume Boots(7days)

Protosukus (lizardman boss); Health: 3490 - Lvl 18
Drops: Bear's Leather Helmet, aquamarine piece, Accesswell, Durelin piece, Lizardman's Rake Blade, Wand of Mana, Fox's Hunting Knife, Crocodile's Long Bow, Lizardman Costume Mask(7days), Lizardman Costume Body(7days), Lizardman Costume Gloves(7days), Lizardman Costume Boots(7days)


Abandoned Gnoll; Health: 285 - lvl 16
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, flax piece, flax cloth pattern: shoes, Skull Breaker, Iron Hammer, Bronze Shield, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Goblin; Health: 296 - lvl 17
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, heart stone piece, cotton piece, flax cloth, Hunting Knife, Long Bow, Brave Warrior's Helmet, Brave Warrior's Gauntlets, Craftsman Gloves, Wise Shaman's Gloves, spirit of the Earth: Alker harbor, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Red Leopard; Health: 309 - lvl 18
Drops: manastone piece, animal leather piece, Light Leather Armor, Long Bow,Saver Tiger's Patella, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Goblin Warrior; Health: 309 - lvl 18
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, ruby piece, copper ore, copper pattern mold: gauntlet, Cabali Sword, spirit of the Earth: Zakandia, Chainmail, Brave Warrior's Boots, Heavy Tomahawk, Goblin Slayer, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Goblin Archer; health: 322 - lvl 19
Drops: lowest physical strength HP potion, emerald, flax piece, thin leather pattern: armor, Long Bow, spirit of the Earth: Zakandia, Light Leather Boots, Alacritous Hunter's Armor, Alacritous Hunter's Boots, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Goblin Guard; Health: 350 - lvl 20
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, ruby piece, iron ore, iron pattern mold: armor, Broad Sword, Skull Breaker, Iron Hammer, Alacritous Hunter's Helmet, Chain Boots, Brave Warrior's Armor, Chain Gauntlets, Wise Shaman's Shoes

Brown Bear; Health: 350 - lvl 20
Drops: opal, animal leather piece, thin leather pattern: glove, Composite Boots, Kite Shield, Bear Leather Belt

Goblin Patriarch; Health: 363 - lvl 21
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, moonstone piece, cotton piece, cotton cloth pattern: glove, Wand of Mana, Wise Shaman's turban, spirit of the Earth: Zakandia, Wise Shaman's Robe, Predator's Leather Gloves, Leather Gloves of the Fierce Wind,
Monster of the integers - Lv 40

Goblin king; Health: 1742 - lvl 22
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, opal, cotton cloth, cotton cloth pattern: robe, Hard Leather Armor, spirit of the Earth: Zakandia, Composite Armor, Steel Two Handed Ax, Alacritous Hunter's Gloves, Monster of the integers - Lv 20

Black Bear; Health: 377 - lvl 22
Drops: ruby piece, animal leather piece, thin leather pattern: armor, Hard Leather Armor, Leather Long Boots of the Fierce Wind, Hard Leather Gloves, spirit of the Earth: Zakandia, seed[Lv 2]: flower of the beast, Leather Gloves of Meditation, Leather Long Boots of Meditation,Bear Leather Belt


Kylmuris (goblin boss w/sword); Health: 4128 - lvl 21
Drops: Parrot's Hood(, ruby piece, Wiesel, argentum piece, Brave Warrior's Blade, Brave Warrior's Shield, Fox's Dwarven Mace, Whirlpool Spell Shoes, Steel Ax, Dwarven Mace, Crocodile's Knight Sword, Elephant's Steel Ax

Ras (goblin boss w/bow); Health: 4247 - lvl 22
Drops: Cat's Leather Helmet, emerald piece, Harmel, Litheon piece, Nimble Hunter's Bow, Giant Guard's Leather Armor, Elephant's Giant Club, Claymore, Steel Two Handed Ax, Giant Club, Crocodile's Claymore, Fox's Steel Two Handed Ax

Klulerhorn (goblin boss w/staff); Health: 4431 - lvl 24
Drops: Bull's Hood, ruby piece, Accesswell, lighting strike crystal piece, Head of the Tribe's Wand, Coyote's Mystic Staff, Predator's Leather Long Boots, Elven Bow, Mystic Staff, Crocodile's Kukri, Elephant's Elven Bow


Iron Golem; Health: 485 - lvl 29
Drops: Iron Will Gloves, opal piece, iron ore, tear of the spirit, Morning Star, seed[Lv 3]: luminous flower of the crystal, Heavy Ax, Red Bronze Gauntlets, spirit of the Earth: Zakandia, Priest Warrior's Heavy Armor, Combat Warrior's Gauntlets, Combat Warrior's Boots


Gyer (black bear boss); Health: 4941 - lvl 25
Drops: Bull's Leather Helmet, sapphire piece, Wiesel, lighting strike crystal piece, Fox's Morning Star, Bear Leather Belt, Heavy Ax, Morning Star, Elephant's Saver, Elephant's Heavy Ax

Heis (iron golem boss); Health: 6168 - lvl 32
Drops: Rabbit's Hood, sapphire piece, Harmel, wind crystal piece, Golem's Grinder, Crocodile's Bone Breaker, Elven Sword, Grave Digger, Bone Breaker, Elephant's Elven Sword, Crocodile's Grave Digger


Mimic; Health: 388 - Lvl 23
Drops: sapphire piece, iron ore, moonlight crystal, Magical Power Robe, Magical Power Boots, seed[Lv 2]: magical power flower, Priest Warrior's Gauntlets , Guardman's Heavy Armor , Priest Warrior's Boots, Giant Guard's Leather Boots, Accesswell

Zombie; Health: 401 - Lvl 24
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, sapphire, odd powder, cotton piece, Mystic Staff, Magician's Shoes, Whirlpool Spell Gloves , Magical Power Gloves, Holy Blessed Gloves, Cat's Mystic Staff , Parrot's Mystic Staff , Breath of the Dead

Eyebat; Health: 434 - Lvl 25
Drops: manastone, animal leather piece, thin leather pattern: armor, Composite Bow, Leather Armor of the Fierce Wind, Poniard Dagger, Elven Leather Gloves, seed[Lv 2]: flower of the crystal, Cruel One's Leather Gloves, Rabbit's Poniard Dagger, Bull's Composite Bow

Cursed Zombie; Health: 447 - Lvl 26
Drops: physical strength HP potion, moonstone piece, odd powder, Manapowder Mold: Ring, Protection Robe, seed[Lv 2]: magical power flower, Iron Will Robe, Holy Blessed Shoes, Leather Armor of Meditation , Breath of the Dead, Accesswell

Stone Golem; Health: 461 - Lvl 27
Drops: enchant scroll: armor 1-39, opal piece, Wand of Glory, copper ingot, Skull Crusher, Executioner's Ax, Combat Warrior's Heavy Armor, Red Bronze Boots, Red Bronze Armor, Guardman's Boots, Guardman's Gauntlets , Giant Guard's Leather Gloves

Mandragora; Health: 461 - Lvl 27
Drops: Harmel, moonstone, Cat's Priest's Wand , Manapowder Mold: Necklace, Priest's Wand, Whirlpool Spell Robe, Protection Gloves, seed[Lv 2]: flower of the beast, Magician's Gloves, Cruel One's Leather Long Boots , Cruel One's Leather Armor, Parrot's Priest's Wand

Rotten Mandragora; Health: 472 - Lvl 28
Drops: mind stone, cotton piece, cotton cloth pattern: shoes, Divine Circlet, seed[Lv 2]: magical power flower, Iron Will Shoes, Holy Blessed Robe, Predator's Leather Armor, Gloves of the Light , Magician's Robe

Iron Golem; Health: 485 - Lvl 29
Drops: Iron Will Gloves , opal piece, iron ore, tear of the spirit, Morning Star, seed[Lv 3]: luminous flower of the crystal, Heavy Ax, Red Bronze Gauntlets, spirit of the Earth: Zakandia, Priest Warrior's Heavy Armor , Combat Warrior's Gauntlets, Combat Warrior's Boots

Lycanthrope; Health: 520 - Lvl 30
Drops: enchant scroll: weapon 1-39, Litheon piece, animal leather piece, moonlight crystal, High Quality Hard Leather Gloves, Salvation Combat Gauntlets, Wild Beast's Leather Armor , Strengthened Long Bow, Wild Beast's Leather Gloves, Bull's Main Gauche, Absolute One's Gloves, Bear's Strengthened Long Bow


Kuikui (mimic boss); Health: 5060 - Lvl 26
Drops: Bear's Leather Helmet, ruby piece, Accesswell, fairy's feather, Magic Box's Poisoned Needle, Elephant's Skull Crusher , Flamberge, Executioner's Ax, Skull Crusher, Fox's Flamberge, Crocodile's Ax of the Executioner

Sharny (zombie boss); Health: 5180 - Lvl 27
Drops: Parrot's Hood , sapphire piece, Wiesel, Orichalcum piece, Deer's Priest's Wand, Breath of the Dead, Composite Bow, Priest's Wand, Elephant's Poniard Dagger , Fox's Composite Bow

Karas (mandragora boss); Health: 6048 - Lvl 31
Drops: Cat's Leather Helmet, sapphire piece, Harmel, moonstone piece, Mandrake's Root, Coyote's Wand of Faith, Main Gauche, Strengthened Long Bow, Wand of Faith, Crocodile's Main Gauche , Crocodile's strengthened Long Bow

Kytan (lycanthrope boss); Health: 6287 - Lvl 32
Drops: Bull's Leather Helmet , emerald piece, Accesswell, Durelin piece, Crying Wolf Leather , Fox's Great Hammer , Giant Sword, Great Ax, Great Hammer, Elephant's Giant Sword , Crocodile's Great Ax


Wild Red Bear; Health: 534 - lvl 31
Drops: Bear Leather Belt, ruby piece, animal leather piece, Harmel, Flamberge, seed[Lv 2]: flower of the beast, Skull Crusher, Elven Leather Armor, Elven Leather Gloves, Merciless One's Leather Armor, Nature Energy's Leather Long Boots, Silent Forest's Leather Long Boots

Giant Eyebat; Health: 548 - lvl 32
Drops: fairy's feather, animal leather, strong leather pattern: glove, Divine Robe, seed[Lv 2]: flower of the crystal, Wand of Faith, Silent Forest's Leather Gloves, Nature Energy's Leather Armor, Silent Forest's Leather Armor, Water God's Shoes, Monster of the integers - Lv 40

Orc; Health: 562 - lvl 33
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, aquamarine, cotton piece, flax cloth, Fighter's Combat Heavy Armor, Plate Gauntlets, Guardian's Combat Boots, Plate Boots, Elven Sword, Bone Breaker, Merciless One's Leather Gloves, Bear's Bone Breaker

Gargoyle; Health: 572 - lvl 34
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, piece of life stone, iron ore, copper ingot, Plate Armor, Great Hammer, Salvation Combat Heavy Armor, Guardian's Combat Gauntlets, Nature Energy's Leather Gloves, Destruction Spell's Gloves, Elephant's Great Hammer, Monster of the integers - Lv 40

Lava golem; Health: 613 - lvl 35
Drops: Harmel, opal piece, iron ingot, iron mold: ax, Giant Sword, seed[Lv 3]: luminous flower of the mana, Plate Armor, Fighter's Combat Gauntlets, Plate Gauntlets, Salvation Combat Boots, Guardian's Combat Heavy Armor, Furious Storm's Leather Long Boots


Kaires (red bear boss); Health: 6351 - lvl 34
Drops: Rabbit's Leather Helmet, ruby piece, Wiesel, argentum piece, Bearleather Gloves, Deer's Crystal Staff, Sword Breaker, Scout Bow, Crystal Staff, Fox's Sword Breaker, Crocodile's Scout Bow

Mirias (gargoyle boss); Health: 7267 - lvl 37
Drops: Parrot's Leather Helmet, emerald piece, Accesswell, lighting strike crystal piece, Hard Stone Wing Armor, Elephant's War Hammer, Rapier, Tabar, War Hammer, Crocodile's Rapier, Crocodile's Tabar

Doita (lava golem boss); Health: 7387 - lvl 38
Drops: Bear's Hard Leather Helmet, ruby piece, Harmel, Litheon piece, Coyote's Cursed Wand, Ring of the Burning Flames, Stiletto, Cursed Wand, Crocodile's War Sword, Crocodile's Stiletto


Orc Archer; Health: 626 - lvl 36
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, Arcwand, iron ingot, iron mold: bow, Strengthened Long Bow, High Quality Hard Leather Armor, spirit of the Earth: Moon blind Swamp, High Quality Hard Leather Gloves, Wild Beast's Leather Long Boots, Furious Storm's Leather Armor, Merciless One's Leather Long Boots, Water God's Robe

Furious orc; Health: 640 - lvl 37
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, Litheon piece, wool piece, cotton piece, Tabar, War Hammer, Rapier, Steel Gauntlets, Fighter's Combat Boots, Furious Storm's Leather Gloves, Destruction Spell's Shoes

Striped Lizardman; Health: 653 - lvl 38
Drops: ruby, iron ore, iron mold: dagger, Battle Hammer, Destruction Spell's Robe, Absolute One's Shoes, Shoes of the Light, Point of the Sword, Lizardman Costume Mask(7days), Lizardman Costume Body(7days), Lizardman Costume Gloves(7days), Lizardman Costume Boots(7days)

Furious Lizardman; Health: 667 - lvl 39
Drops: moonstone piece, animal leather piece, strong leather pattern: boots, Robe of the Light, Water God's Gloves, Absolute One's Robe, Red Fly, Point of the Sword, Lizardman Costume Mask(7days), Lizardman Costume Body(7days), Lizardman Costume Gloves(7days), Lizardman Costume Boots(7days)

Lamia; Health: 710 - lvl 40
Drops: physical strength HP potion, wind crystal piece, animal leather piece, strong leather pattern: armor, Aesthetic Leather Gloves, Harmel, Robe of Blind faith, Fox's Scout Bow, Truth Seeker's Shoes, Golden Gloves, Gloves of Blind faith, Crocodile's Scout Bow


Paika (orc archer boss); Health: 7506 - lvl 39
Drops: Bear's Hard Leather Helmet, emerald piece, Harmel, fairy's feather, Wind Chasing, Fox's Battle Mace, War Sword, Large Battle Ax, Mace for Battle, Crocodile's War Sword, Elephant's Large Battle Ax

Kuanoi (furious orc boss); Health: 8239 - lvl 40
Drops: Rabbit's Leather Helmet, ruby piece, Wiesel, wind crystal piece, Berserker's Grinder Hammer, Crocodile's Giant Hammer, [I have a potty mouth] Sword, War Pick, Giant Hammer, Elephant's [I have a potty mouth] Sword, Fox's War Speak

Draka (furious lizardman boss); Health: 8529 - lvl 42
Drops: Parrot's Leather Helmet, sapphire piece, Accesswell, Orichalcum piece, Cursed Fingernail, Coyote's Cursed Wand, Fox's Stiletto, Crocodile's Battle Bow, Lizardman Costume Mask(7days), Lizardman Costume Body(7days), Lizardman Costume Gloves(7days), Lizardman Costume Boots(7days)

Timat (lamia boss); Health: 8701 - lvl 43
Drops: Cat's Hard Leather Helmet, aquamarine piece, Wiesel, wind crystal piece, Slippery Snake Scale Boots, Fox's Kris, Battle Ax, Cabbage Slasher, Kris, Elephant's Battle Ax, Crocodile's Cabbage Sword


Orc Warrior; Health: 777 - lvl 41
Drops: physical strength HP potion, Orichalcum, iron ore, copper ingot, Crocodile's [I have a potty mouth] Sword, War Pick, Giant Hammer, Commander's Protective Boots, Commander's Combat Heavy Armor, North Wind's Leather Gloves, Monster of the integers - Lv 60

Orc Shaman; Health: 841 - lvl 42
Drops: physical strength HP potion, moonstone, wool piece, wool cloth pattern: shoes, Coyote's Cursed Wand, Truth Seeker's Robe, Dark Boots, Gloves of the Swift, Shoes of Blind faith, Truth Seeker's Gloves, Demon Skull Shield, Monster of the integers - Lv 60

Harpy; Health: 907 - lvl 43
Drops: physical strength HP potion, fairy's feather, wool cloth, Wiesel, Fox's Battle Bow, Dark Gloves, Wind Curtain's Leather Armor, Sharp Wind's Leather Long Boots, Dark Robe, Wind Curtain's Leather Long Boots, Furious Leather Gloves

Predator Gargoyle; Health: 974 - lvl 44
Drops: Wiesel, fairy's feather, iron ore, iron mold: mace, Crocodile's Stiletto, Battle Bow, Coyote's Magic Leather Long Boots, Elephant's Stiletto, North Wind's Leather Armor, Furious Leather Long Boots, Abundance Leather Gloves, Guardian's Shoes


Huuga (orc warrior boss); Health: 8874 - lvl 44
Drops: Cat's Hard Leather Helmet, ruby piece, Wiesel, moonstone piece, Bloody Howler, Crocodile's Heavy Bone Club, Damascus, Battle Ax, Heavy Bone Club, Elephant's Damascus, Fox's Battle Ax

Orc Patriarch; Health: 13487 - lvl 45
Drops: opal, Durelin piece, mithril ingot, moonlight assence, Battle Ax, Magical Bronze Armor, Monkey's Mithril Leather Armor, Mithril Robe, Commander's Protective Gauntlets, Commander's Combat Boots, Commander's Holy Gauntlets, Monster of the integers - Lv 60

Baraku (orc shaman boss); Health: 9771 - lvl 45
Drops: emerald piece, Harmel, Durelin piece, Dark Magician's Wand, Fox's War Grinder, Cabbage Slasher, Savage Ax, War Grinder, Elephant's Cabbage Slasher, Elephant's Savage Ax

Kiyoma (harpy boss); Health: 9944 - lvl 46
Drops: emerald piece, Harmel fairy's feather, Kiyoma's Feathered Horn Bow, Crocodile's Sentinel Bow, Damascus, War Grinder, Sentinel Bow, Elephant's Damascus, Fox's War Grinder

Railers (pred. gargoyle boss); Health: 10116 - lvl 47
Drops: emerald piece, Accesswell, Orichalcum piece, Deer's Philosopher's Wand, Dirty Predator's Trap, Savage Ax, Philosopher's Wand, Fox's Heavy Bone Club, Crocodile's Savage Ax

Karunnga (big axe orc boss); Health: 10289 - lvl 48
Drops: ruby piece, Accesswell, argentum piece, Battle Terminator of the Tribe's Great Leader, Deer's Unicorn Horn, Assassin Knife, Assert Bow, Unicorn Horn, Elephant's Assassin Knife, Crocodile's Assert Bow



Skeleton Worker; Health: 2876 - Lvl 35
Drops: enchant scroll: weapon 1-39, lighting strike crystal, dragon bone piece, iron ore, Wiesel, Plate Armor, Furious Storm's Leather Long Boots , Elephant's Great Tabar , Crocodile's Great Tabar , Guardian's Robe , Military guard's chest protectors alloy, trinity glove piece

Acid Flower; Health: 2927 - Lvl 36
Drops: sapphire, wool piece, Crystal Staff, Aesthetic Leather Gloves, Absolute One's Gloves, Deer's Crystal Staff, Elephant's Crystal Staff, Commander's Holy Heavy Armor, great nature's leather armor pattern, executed magician's shoes piece

Low Class Succubus; Health: 2978 - Lvl 37
Drops: enchant scroll: accessory 1-39, emerald, tear of the spirit, Accesswell, Golden Robe, Wild Beast's Leather Long Boots , Crocodile's Battle Bow , Fox's Battle Bow , Abundance Leather Armor , executed magician's robe pattern, ascetic's boots original form

Wight; Health: 3029 - Lvl 38
Drops: enchant scroll: armor 1-39, opal, odd powder, Coyote's Cursed Wand , Aesthetic Leather Armor, Merciless One's Leather Long Boots , Deer's Cursed Wand , Wind Curtain's Leather Armor , windy leather armor lining material, berserker'shelmet pattern

Poison Fungus; Health: 3080 - Lvl 39
Drops: aquamarine, wool piece, odd powder, War Sword, Steel Gauntlets, Shoes of the Light, Crocodile's War Sword , Elephant's War Sword , North Wind's Leather Armor , silent one's chest protectors piece, great nature's leather glove piece


Shadow Fang; Health: 8529 - Lvl 42
Drops: enchant scroll: weapon 40-79, wind crystal, animal leather piece, strong leather pattern: armor, Wiesel, Magic Leather Armor, Sharp Wind's Leather Gloves, Fox's Stiletto, Elephant's Stiletto , Furious Leather Armor , Sudden Attack Sword Fighter, Military guard's ironhelmet piece

Damned Fire Element; Health: 8701 - Lvl 43
Drops: ruby, moonlight crystal, Dark Robe, Guardian's Shoes , Fox's Sentinel Bow , Crocodile's Sentinel Bow , Robe of Blind faith, soul measure bow, Military guard's mace piece

Hell Element; Health: 8874 - Lvl 44
Drops: enchant scroll: accessory 40-79, Orichalcum, Commander's Holy Boots, wool cloth pattern: robe, Elephant's Philosopher's Wand, Magical Bronze Armor, Commander's Combat Boots, Coyote's Philosopher's Wand, Deer's Philosopher's Wand, Truth Seeker's Robe, Mother Earth's crystal wand hair, berserker'scombat ax's edge piece

Chimera; Health: 9711 - Lvl 45
Drops: animal leather piece, fairy's feather, Commander's Protective Gauntlets , Harmel, Crocodile's Savage Ax , Coyote's Mithril Leather Armor , Wind Curtain's Leather Long Boots , Elephant's Savage Ax , Crocodile's Savage Ax , Commander's Combat Heavy Armor, dispossessed mage's wand hair, windy leather long boots piece

Blood Golem; Health: 9711 - Lvl 45
Drops: enchant scroll: armor 40-79, ruby, Commander's Combat Boots , iron ore, Crocodile's Damascus , Mithril Armor, Shoes of the Swift , Crocodile's Damascus , Elephant's Damascus , Commander's Protective Heavy Armor, Military guard's sword fighter, silent one's glove piece


Basilisk; Health: 1142 - Lvl 46
Drops: enchant scroll: weapon 40-79, opal, animal leather, Fox's Magic Leather Armor , Furious Leather Armor , Fox's Magic Leather Gloves , seed[Lv 3]: fierce flower of the beast, Abundance Leather Long Boots , Guardian's Gloves , Wind Curtain's Leather Gloves , Holyove

Red Feather Harpy; Health: 1209 - Lvl 47
Drops: physical strength HP potion, fairy's feather, angel wings feather, Hellfire Bringer , Sentinel Bow, Fox's Kris , Guardian's Robe , Mithril Boots, Shoes of the Swift , Mithril Gloves, Sharp Wind's Leather Armor , Commander's Holy Boots

Gryphon; Health: 1276 - Lvl 48
Drops: fairy's feather, animal leather piece, angel wings feather, Mithril Leather Armor, Fox's Mithril Leather Armor , Mithril Leather Gloves, Coyote's Mithril Leather Gloves , Sharp Wind's Leather Gloves, North Wind's Leather Long Boots (GREEN), Abundance Leather Armor , Coyote's Unicorn Horn

Giant; Health: 4559 - Lvl 49
Drops: physical strength HP potion, Durelin piece, mithril ore, copper ingot, Elephant's Cabbage Slasher, Savage Ax, War Grinder, Mithril Plate Boots, Commander's Combat Gauntlets , Commander's Protective Heavy Armor , Robe of the Swift , Crocodile's Cabbage Sword

Abandoned Giants; Health: 4964 - Lvl 50
Drops: Wild Cat's Leather Long Boots , Durelin, Mana Storm's Gloves , copper ingot, Crocodile's Cabbage Sword, Savage Ax, Forbidden Spell's Robe , Mithril Plate Boots, Mithril Gauntlets, Damned One's Circlet , AncientMagical Power Circlet , seed[Lv 3]: luminous flower of the crystal


Kokatris (basilisk boss); Health: 10462 - Lvl 49
Drops: opal piece, Wiesel, moonstone piece, Deadly Poisoned Wedge , Fox's War Mace , Curtana, Commander Ax, War Mace, Crocodile's Curtana , Elephant's Commander Ax

Jenev (red feather harpy boss); Health: 11415 - Lvl 50
Drops: ruby piece, Harmel, Durelin piece, Charming Flame's Robe , Elephant's Splinter Hammer , Great Sword, Ax of Despair, Splinter Hammer, Fox's Great Sword , Crocodile's Ax of Despair

Piori (gryphon boss); Health: 11587 - Lvl 51
Drops: emerald piece, Wiesel, Litheon piece, Gorge Wing's Blade , Fox's Assassin Knife , Curtana, Great Sword, Assassin Knife, Elephant's Curtana , Fox's Great Sword

Adum (giant boss); Health: 11760 - Lvl 52
Drops: sapphire piece, Accesswell, argentum piece, AncientMagical Power Robe , Crocodile's War Mace , Assassin Knife, Ax of Despair, War Mace, Elephant's Assassin Knife , Fox's Ax of Despair


Skeletons; Health: 1514 - Lvl 51
Drops: physical strength HP potion, argentum, iron ore, dragon bone piece, Bull's Curtana , Silver Mithril Gauntlets, Heavy Armor of Glory, Tyrant's Boots , Brutal Killer's Leather Long Boots , Fox's Curtana , Crocodile's Mithril Sword , Monster of the integers - Lv 60

Dark Zombie; Health: 1646 - Lvl 53
Drops: physical strength HP potion, argentum piece, odd powder, Crocodile's Assassin Knife , Tiger's essert Bow , spirit of the Earth: Mont blanc harbor, Assassin Knife, Forbidden Spell's Gloves , Mana Storm's Shoes , Ferocious Tiger's Leather Armor , Guardian Spirit's Leather Gloves, Fox's Assassin Knife

Skeleton Warrior; Health: 1842 - Lvl 55
Drops: physical strength HP potion, dragon bone piece, Fox's Ax of Despair, Ax of Despair, Strengthened Mithril Leather Gloves, spirit of the Earth: Mont blanc harbor, Coyote's Shadow Leather Gloves , Shadow Leather Armor, Brutal Killer's Leather Gloves , Wound Chaser's Leather Long Boots , Crocodile's Ax of Despair

Skeleton Knight; Health: 1959 - Lvl 57
Drops: physical strength HP potion, steel ingot, dragon bone piece, Crocodile's Commander Ax, Commander Ax, Silver Mithril Gauntlets, spirit of the Earth: Mont blanc harbor, Royal Guard Plate, Royal Guard Boots, Tyrant's Gauntlets, Great General's Boots , Elephant's Commander Ax

Succubus; Health: 2203 - Lvl 60
Drops: high physical strength HP potion, moonstone, silk piece, odd powder, Monkey's Mithril Staff, Pure Gloves, Rule Breaker , Hellfire Bringer , Monster of the integers - Lv 60


Damak (dark zombie boss); Health: 13342 - Lvl 56
Drops: sapphire piece, Harmel, lighting strike crystal piece, Lion's Mithril Dagger , Dark Messenger's Ring , Mithril Hammer, Mithril Dagger, Tiger's Mithril Sword , Whale's Mithril Hammer

Saika (skeleton boss); Health: 14981 - Lvl 60
Drops: sapphire piece, Wiesel, fairy's feather, Skeleton Knight's Bone Blade , Skeleton Knight's Strong Shield, Monkey's Spell Breaker , Wind Screamer, Elemental Bow, Spell Breaker, Whale's Wind Screamer , Tiger's Elemental Bow

Ramune (saccubus boss); Health: 15554 - Lvl 63
Drops: emerald piece, Accesswell, wind crystal piece, Yoma's Circlet , Tiger's Elemental Bow , Hammer of Judgement, Storm Hammer Elemental Bow, Lion's Hammer of Judgement , Whale's Storm Hammer


Blue Chest Mimic; Health: 2272 - Lvl 61
Drops: fairy feather piece, steel ingot, mithril ore, Royal Guard Boots, Royal Guard Gauntlets, Tiger's Gladiator's Blade, Tiger's Black Mithril Knife, Prophet's Wand , Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Red Chest Mimic; Health: 2405 - Lvl 63
Drops: enchant scroll: armor 40-79, Wizardly Wand , mithril ore, dragon scale leather , Moonlight Leather Gloves, Fox's Moonlight Suit , Whale's Elemental Bow, Lion's Master Guardian , Prophet's Wand , Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Shadow; Health: 2588 - Lvl 65
Drops: enchant scroll: accessory 40-79, argentum piece, odd powder, perium ore, Coyote's Moonlight Suit , Coyote's Moonlight Leather Boots, Crocodile's Wind Screamer, Lion's Berserker , Patron Saint's Shield, Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Furious Shadow; Health: 2723 - Lvl 67
Drops: perium ore, odd powder, Monkey's Spell Breaker , Coyote's Moonlight Leather Gloves , Soul Guard Boots, Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Salamander; Health: 2859 - Lvl 69
Drops: fairy feather piece, moonstone piece, moonlight assence, tear of the spirit, Ornamental Philosopher's Robe, Ornamental Philosopher's Gloves, Elephant's Jupiter Hammer, Monkey's Flame Staff , Hellfire Bringer , Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Silver Gargoyle; Health: 2978 - Lvl 70
Drops: perium ore, mithril ingot, mithril ore, Shield of the Knights of Glory, Lion's Black Mithril Knife, Whale's Elemental Suit , Kadesh Boots, Lion's Desire of Destruction, Whale's Master Quake , Monster of the integers - Lv 80


Makas (shadow boss); Health: 18937 - Lvl 70
Drops: sapphire piece, Wiesel, fairy's feather, Lion's Bloody Blade , Earring of the Flickering Magic Power , The Beast, Bloody Blade, Tiger's Warrior's Soul , The Beast of the Tiger

Kilanas (silver gargoyle boss); Health: 19566 - Lvl 73
Drops: sapphire piece, Accesswell, moonstone piece, Crow's Flame Staff , Shining Silver Horn , Desire of Destruction, Flame Staff, Whale's Stone Breaker , Lion's Desire of Destruction


Wind Basilisk; Health: 1514 - lvl 51
Drops: opal piece, animal leather piece, Emeraldlily, Crocodile's Great Sword, Unicorn Horn, seed[Lv 3]: fierce flower of the beast, Living Leather Long Boots, Wound Chaser's Leather Armor, Wound Chaser's Leather Gloves, Coyote's Unicorn Horn, Deer's Unicorn Horn

Outraged Gryphon; Health: 1580 - lvl 52
Drops: fairy's feather, angel wings feather, animal leather piece, Tiger's essert Bow, Compound Mithril Robe, Compound Mithril Gloves, seed[Lv 3]: luminous flower of the crystal, Leather Armor Covered with Breath of the Earth, Guardian Spirit's Leather Long Boots, Wolf's Leather Gloves, Crocodile's Assert Bow

Wild Red Harpy; Health: 3063 - lvl 53
Drops: physical strength HP potion, fairy's feather, angel wings feather, emerald, aquamarine, Tiger's essert Bow, Mithril Dagger, Emeraldlily, Bear's Mithril Hammer, Monster of the integers - Lv 60

Wild Giant; Health: 5931 - lvl 56
Drops: physical strength HP potion, Durelin piece, mithril ore, copper ingot, ruby, Mithril Sword, Lion's Great Sword, Shining Pearl Shield, Lion's Mithril Battle Ax, Monster of the integers - Lv 60

Giant Wanderer; Health: 6160 - lvl 58
Drops: physical strength HP potion, emerald piece, thread, strengthend thread, Giant Hero's Helmet, Curtana, Mithril Robe, Mithril Gloves, Guardian Spirit's Leather Armor, Leather Gloves Filled with Light of the Sky, Brutal Killer's Leather Armor, Monster of the integers - Lv 60

Magic Powered Giant; Health: 6711 - lvl 60
Drops: high physical strength HP potion, moonstone piece, moonlight crystal, Coyote's Spell Breaker, Pure Robe, Compound Mithril Boots, seed[Lv 3]: luminous flower of the mana, Mana Storm's Robe, Forbidden Spell's Shoes, White Magician's Gloves, White Magician's Shoes

Cyclops; Health: 5379 - lvl 54
Drops: physical strength HP potion, aquamarine piece, wool cloth, Elephant's War Mace, Silver Mithril Boots, Silver Mithril Armor, cyclops Hero's Boots, seed[Lv 3]: luminous flower of the crystal, Tyrant's Heavy Armor, Boots of Glory, Great General's Gauntlets

Wailing Cyclops; Health: 5931 - lvl 56
Drops: physical strength HP potion, lighting strike crystal, wool piece, Fox's Ax of Despair, AncientMagical Power Shoes, Ax of Despair, Silver Mithril Boots, seed[Lv 3]: luminous flower of the crystal, Great General's Heavy Armor, Gauntlets of Glory, Patience's Robe, Crocodile's Ax of Despair

Rageful Cyclops; Health: 6264 - lvl 59
Drops: physical strength HP potion, emerald piece, odd powder, Harmel, Butcher's Leather Helmet, Crocodile's Mithril Ax, Silver Mithril Gauntlets, Coyote's Cross Belt Leather Boots, White Magician's Robe, Patience's Shoes, Patience's Gloves, Elephant's Mithril Ax


Latou; Health: 15554 - Lvl 63 (looks like an Ogre, but spawns in the Cyclops area -- Cyclops boss?)
Drops: opal piece, Wiesel, Litheon piece, Cruel Butcher, Tiger's Hammer of Judgement , Sword of the East Balhae, Ogre's Claw, Hammer of Judgement, Lion's Sword of the East Balhae, Whale's Ogre's Claw



Cave Basalisk; Health: 4216 - lvl 63
Drops: ruby piece, animal leather piece, Cross Belt Leather Boots, Cross Belt Leather Gloves, Steel Bow, Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Troll; Health: 4307 - lvl 64
Drops: enchant scroll: weapon 40-79, mind stone piece, mithril ore, dragon scale leather, Lion's Ogre's Claw, Monkey's Cross Belt Suit, Coyote's Cross Belt Leather Gloves, Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Troll Sentry; Health: 4559 - lvl 65
Drops: high physical strength HP potion, wind crystal piece, mithril ore, Damned One's Shoes, Giant Ax, Bull's Cross Belt Suit, Elephant's Giant Ax, Crocodile's Giant Ax, Storm Eye, Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Troll Warrior; Health: 4731 - lvl 67
Drops: perium ore, emerald piece, wool piece, moonlight crystal, Damned One's Gloves, Berserker's Mace, Coyote's Moonlight Leather Gloves, Fox's Berserker's Mace, Elephant's Berserker's Mace, Bow of the Griffon's Wing, Harmel

Blue Wing Eyebat; Health: 3033 - lvl 61
Drops: sapphire, fairy's feather, Mithril Bow, Mithril Dagger, Pure Gloves, Pure Boots, Pure Robe, Crocodile's Mithril Dagger, Monster of the integers - Lv 60

Ogre; Health: 7742 - lvl 66
Drops: enchant scroll: armor 40-79, emerald piece, silk cloth, fairy feather piece, Tiger's Storm Hammer, Soul Guard Plate, Soul Guard Gauntlets, seed[Lv 3]: fierce flower of the beast, Crocodile's Storm Hammer, Fox's Storm Hammer, Lion's Soul of the Warrior, Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Ogre Warrior; Health: 7971 - lvl 68
Drops: fairy feather piece, ruby piece, mithril ore, copper ingot, Tiger's Berserker, ogre Hero's Gauntlets, Lion's krack devider, Soul Guard Plate, Tiger's Bloody Blade, Wiesel

Ogre Butcher; Health: 8608 - lvl 70
Drops: perium ore, Orichalcum piece, odd powder, Lion's krack devider, Butcher's Leather Long Boots, Butcher's Leather Armor, Leather Armor Stained with Blood, The Beast of the Lion, Kadesh Gauntlets, Monster of the integers - Lv 80


Dumaka; Health: 15782 - Lvl 64 (Troll Shaman Boss)
Drops: emerald piece, Harmel, lighting strike crystal piece, Magician's Warrant , Crow's Chaos Staff , Black Mithril Knife, Steel Bow, Chaos Staff, Lion's Black Mithril Knife , Tiger's Iron Arc


---There are many repeat monsters from F1 here. Ones that are not repeats:

Wild Cave Eyebat, Health: 4054 - lvl 61
Drops: emerald, animal leather piece, fairy's feather, Ornamental Philosopher's Feather, Elemental Bow, Flamelist's Robe, Parrot's Cross Belt Suit, Berserker's Mace, Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Troll Shaman; Health: 5348 - Lvl 72
Drops: fairy feather piece, argentum, magic powder, Damned One's Robe, Flame Staff, Ornamental Philosopher's Gloves, Coyote's Flame Staff , Deer's Flame Staff , Master Grant, Accesswell

Deep Cave Basilisk; Health: 5439 - Lvl 73
Drops: dragon scale leather piece, opal piece, animal leather piece, Flame Staff, Kadesh Armor, Kadesh Gauntlets, Master Breaker, Monster of the integers - Lv 80

Troll Guard; Health: 5520 - Lvl 74
Drops: perium ore, Litheon, copper ore, dragon bone piece, Troll Hero's Armor, Grim Reaper's Scythe, Leather Shoes Stained with Blood , Soul of the Warrior, Ornamental Philosopher's Shoes, Master's Blade, Wiesel

Oge Guard; Health: 9725 - Lvl 76
Drops: dragon scale leather piece, Litheon piece, sapphire piece, cotton piece, Elephant's Master Grinder , Butcher's Leather Gloves, Leather Gloves Stained with Blood, Mask Stained with Blood , Whale's Master Knife, Pheonix Boots, Harmel

Ogre Shaman; Health: 9955 - Lvl 78
Drops: fairy feather piece, moonstone piece, silk piece, wool piece, Coyote's Master Grant , Source of the Ancient Magical Power , AncientMagical Power Gloves , Monkey's Chaos Staff , Tunic of the Colchis, Crow's Master Grant, Accesswell


Laito; Health: 15382 - Lvl 62
Drops: opal piece, Accesswell, wind crystal piece, Song of the Warrior , Whale's Storm Hammer , Sword of the Gladiator, Giant Ax, Storm Hammer, Tiger's Gladiator's Blade , Lion's Giant Ax

--- all normal mobs can be seen under the Dryed Gazell Fall Section.


Dobeik; Health: 19338 - Lvl 72 (Salamander Boss -- NOT SALAM)
Drops: ruby piece. Harmel, Orichalcum piece, Hell's Breath, Tiger's Griffon Wing Bow, Eternal Flame Ring, Storm Eye, Bow of the Griffon's Wing, Lion's Rock Crusher , Whale's Storm Eye

Salam; Health: 38439 - Lvl 66
All Kinds of HQ Gems, Bow Tie


Tarintus Lvl 90
Legend: Chivalry Of The Church's Symbol, Enchant Scroll: Weapon 80-119, Enchant Scroll: Armor 80-119, Sealed Tarintus' Necklace, Sealed Tarintus' Robe, Sealed Tarintus' Helmet, Sealed Dragon Slayer Emblem, Kruz's Frost Sword, Panace's Hammer Of The Ocean, Zephyr's Chaos Bow, Zephyr's Eclipse Dagger, Feira's Stick Of The Mother Earth


Black Poison Basilisk; Health:1824 - Lvl 55
Opal, Animal Leather Piece, Strong Leather Pattern: Armor, Fox's Mithril Leather Glove, Parrot's Strengthened Mithril Leather Boots, Fox's Shadow Leather Glove, Coyote's Cross Belt Leather Boots, Crocodile's Great Sword, Crocodile's Mithril Battle Hammer, Whale's Hammer Of The Judgement, Mithril Leather Boots

Swamp Catcher; Health: 1890 - Lvl 56
Orichalcum, Odd Powder, Tear Of The Spirit, Coyote's Strengthend Mithril Leather Glove, Coyote's Pure Glove, Deer's Pure Glove, Deer's Unicorn Horn, Shining Pearl Shield

Ghoul; Health: 1959 - Lvl 57
Enchant Scroll: Weapon 40-79, Manastone, Odd Powder, Silk Piece, Strengthend Mithril Leather Armor, Coyote's Shadow Leather Armor, Fox's Cross Belt Suit, Fox's Assassin Knife, Cat's Unicorn Horn, Crocodile's Mithril Dagger, Elephant's Mithril Sword, Fox's Elemental Bow

Tropical Toadstool; Health: 3640 - Lvl 58
Ruby, Animal Leather Piece, Thin Leather, Coyote’s Shadow Leather Long Boots, Bear’s Cross Belt Leather Boots, Crocodile’s Mithril Battle Axe, Lion’s Great Berserker

Rotten Ghoul; Health: 2092 - Lvl 59
Sapphire, Odd Powder, Moonlight Crystal, Compound Mithril Glove, Pure Boots, Flamelist's Glove, Crocodile's Wind Screamer, Lion's Black Mithril Knife, Bear's Mithril Dagger, Tiger's Stiletto

Damned Ghoul; Health: 2203- Lvl 60
Emerald,Odd Powder,Tear Of The Spirit, Silver Mithril Gauntlet Combat Boots, Royal Guard Gauntlet, Fox's Mithril Ax, Bear's Ogre's Claw, Tiger's The Berserker, Corrupted Saint Knight's Mace, Lion's War Peak

Tarantula Brood; Health: 1721 - Lv 60
Aquamarine, Strengthened Thread, Fairy’s Five Colored Skein of Thread, Moonlight Skein of Thread, Glory of the Knight, Tiger’s Scout Bow

Marsh Carnivore; Health: 4054 - Lv 61
Opal, Animal Leather Piece, Bear’s Shadow Leather Armor, Crocodile’s Shadow Leather Long Boots, Deer’s Mithril Staff, Monkey’s Spell Breaker, Monster of Interger – Lv 80

Bog Mandrake; Health: 1847 - Lv 62
Enchant Scroll Weapon 40-70, Moonstone, Silk Piece, Moonlight Crystal, Fairy’s Shining Dew, Magical Flame, Bear’s the Berserker, Crocodile’s Damascus, Lion’s Sword Breaker, Monster of Interger – Lv 80

Skeleton Guard; Health: 2339 - Lv 62
Enchant Scroll: Armor 40-79, Durelin, Mithril Ore, Dragon Bone Piece, Patron Saint's Shield, Royal Guard Boots, Kadesh Armor, Combat Gauntlet, Crocodile's Sword Of The East Bali, Crocodile's Mithril Sword, Lion's Blood Breeze, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 80

Despaired Ghoul; Health: 2239 - Lv 62
Aquamarine, Odd Powder, Copper Ingot, Coyote's Strengthend Mithril Leather Boots, Shadow Leather Glove, Rabbit's Cross Belt Leather Glove, Fox's Mithril Bow, Crocodile's Elemental Bow, Lion's Steel Bow, Whale's Giant Hammer

Skeleton Sorcerer; Health: 2405 - Lv 63
High HP pot, Moonstone, Silk Peice, Monkey's Cursed Wand, Noble's Robe, Pure Robe, Flamelist's Robe, Flamelist's boots, Coyote's Spell Breaker, Monkey's Chaos Staff, Crow's Chaos Staff, Glory of the Knight

Skeleton King; Health: 28047 - Lv 64
Enchant Scroll Weapon 40-79, Orichalcum, Wiesel, High Elf's Crystal Staff, Crocodile's Combat Armor, Whale's Royal Gaurd Plate, Whale's Soul Guard Plate, Lion's Royal Gaurd Gauntlet, Harpy Sword Breaker, Crocodile's Sword of the East Balhae, Lion's Bloody Breeze, Whale's Warrior Soul

Tarantula; Health: 4559 - Lv 65
Emerald, Strengthened Thread, Fairy’s Five Colored Skein Thread, Pure Boots, Flamelist Glove, Noble Robe, Lion’s Jupiter Hammer, Monster of Interger Lv 80

Darksteed; Health: 13000 - Lv 91
Monkey’s Full Helm, Bloody Crystal Ring, Orichalcum, HQ Orichalcum, Manastone, Fairy’s Abrasive, Fairy’s Five Colored Skein Thread, Wiesel, Rough Diamonds, Monster Interger Lv 100

Evil Servant; Health: 13126 - Lv 92
Fox’s Full Helm, Bloody Crystal Ring, Moonstone, HQ Litheon, Mind Stone, Fairy’s Abrasive, Fairy’s Five Colored Skein Thread, Harmel, Rough Diamond, Seed [lv 3]: Fierce Flower of Beast

Tortured Ghoul; Health: 8097 - Lv 93
Crow’s Full Helm, Bloody Crystal Ring, Litheon, HQ Moonstone, Heartstone, Fairy’s Abrasive,Fairy’s Shining Dew, Harmel, Rough Diamond, Seed [lv 3]: Luminous Flower of Crystal

Abyss Knight; Health: 13377 - Lv 94
Crocodile’s Great Helm, Elephant’s Mask of Evil, Tear of Spirit, Fairy Dust, Stone of Life, Fairy’s Abrasive, Wiesel, Rough Diamonds, Seed [lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower


Black Fur Tarantula; Health: 3371 - Lv 75
Ruby, Dragon Scale Leather Pattern: Armor, Shout of the Revenge, Tunic of Colchis, Colchis Glove, Rough Diamond, Monster of Interger – 80

Mudman; Health: 3440 - Lv 76
Orichalcum, Magic Powder, Phoenix Boots, Phoenix Plate, Master Quake, Colchis Boots, Rough Diamond, Monster of Interger 80

Giant Tarantula; Health: 3509 - Lv 77
Enchant Scroll: Accessory 80-119, Opal, Fairy Feather Piece, Fairy Feather Cloth Pattern: Robe, Master Breaker, Blackfoot Cross, Cross Crown Tunic, Zephyr’s Leather Glove, Rough Diamonds, Monster of Interger – 80

Fatally Poisonous Tarantula; Health: 3576 - Lv 78
Enchant Scroll: Weapon 80-119, Sapphire, Dragon Scale Leather Piece, Perium Pattern Mold: Armor, Master Knife, Phoenix Gauntlet, Royal Scutum, Lapis Wyvern Suit, Rough Diamond, Monster of Interger - 80

Black Mudman; Health: 3645 - Lv 79
Enchant Scroll: Armor 80-119, Moonstone, Perium Ore, Tear of Spirit, Lapis Wyvern Leather Boots, Lapis Wyvern Leather Glove, Master Guardian, Master, Rough Diamonds, Monster of Interger – 80

Captain Lizardmen; Health: 3775 - Lv 80
Aquamarine, Dragon Scale Leather Piece, Perium Mold: Mace, Templer Sword, Master’s Blade, Bloody Revenge, Cross Crown Glove, Black Knight Gauntlets, Lizard Costume Pieces (7 Day)

Dark Gnoll; Health: 3841 - Lv 81
Perium Ore, Perium Mold: Dagger, Mace of the Revenge, Master Grinder, Zephyr's Leather Armor, Zephyr's Leather Long Boots, Cross Crown Boots, Rough Diamond, Monster of Interger – 80

Sorrowful Lamia; Health: 3911 - Lv 82
Fairy Feather Piece, Emerald, Dragon Scale Leather Piece, Fairy Feather Cloth Pattern: Shoes, Flame Bow, Master Bow, Star Buster, Black Knight Plate, Black Knight Boots, Rough Diamonds, Monster of Interger – 80

Lamia Queen; Health: 3980 - Lv83
Fairy Feather Cloth, Moonstone, Fiary Feather Cloth Pattern: Glove, Coldstorm’s Wand, Master Grant, Emperor Sword, Red Crescent, Mask of the Evil, Rough Diamonds, Monster of Interger - 80

Kierra’s Maid; Health: 25037 - Lv 84
Moonstone, Litheon, Bellerophon's Cross Crown Tunic, Bellerophon's Cross Crown Glove, Bellerophon's Cross Crown Boots

Kierra's Maid; Health: 25037 - Lv 84
Fairy's Wings, Lightning Strike Crystal, Zephyr's Leather Armor, Zephyr's Leather Glove, Zephyr's Leather Long Boots

Kierra's Maid; Health: 25037 - Lv 84
Orichalcum, Wind Crystal, Panace's Black Knight Boots, Panace's Black Knight Plate, Panace's Black Knight Gauntlet

Illusion of Kierra; Health: 359544 - Lv 85
Drops nothing. She is an illusion after all!

Kierra; Health: 8336221 - Lv 85
Enchant Scroll: Weapon 80-119, Enchant Scroll: Armor 80-119, Enchant Scroll: Accessory 80-119, Legend: Farouk's Crystal Ball, Source Of The Cursed Kierra's Magical Power, Bellerophon's Cross Crown Tunic, Bellerophon's Cross Crown Glove, Bellerophon's Cross Crown Boots, Kruz's Emperor Executioner, Kruz's Epicenter, Panace's Great Battle Ax, Bellerophon's Stick Of The Mother Earth


Plantis; Health: 3841 - Lvl 81
Silk piece, Monster integer lvl 100, Stone of life, Rough Diamonds, Perium Mold: Sword, Fairy Feather Pattern: Glove

Pegasus; Health: 10907 - Lvl 82
Fairy feather piece, Dragon leather piece, Monster integer lvl 100, Tear of the spirit, Dragon Scale Leather Pattern :Glove, Orichalcum, Aquamarine, Fairy Feather Cloth Pattern: Robe, Rough Diamonds

Kentauros; Health: 16624 - Lvl 82
Fairy Dust, Premium Mold: Bow, Heart Stone, Premium Mold: Mace, Lighting Strike Crystal, Dragon Scale Leather Piece, Rough Diamonds

Fierce Plantis; Health: 5156 - Lvl 83
Silk piece, Piece of life stone, Monster of the integer - Lvl 100, Tear of the spirit, Litheon, Rough Diamonds

Treent; Health: 24564 - Lvl 83
Fairy Dust, Monster of Integer - Lvl 100, Durelin, Tears of Spirit, Premium Pattern Mold: Gauntlet, Rough Diamonds

Pixie; Health: 4049 - Lvl 84
Fairy Feather Piece, Fairy Dust, Monster of Integer - lvl 100, Dragon Bone Piece, Mind Stone, Rough Diamonds

Elder Treent; Health: 45441 - Lvl 85
Monster Integer lvl 100, Orichalcum, Argentum, Premium Pattern Mold: Boots, Fairy dust, Premium Pattern Mold: Armor, Rough Diamonds

Fairy Queen Boss; Health: 54042 - Lvl 84
High Quality Emerald, High Quality Ruby, High Quality Wind Crystal, High Quality Heart Stone, High Quality Aquamarine, High Quality Fairy Wings, Titan's Bloody Revenge, Harpie's Master Knife, Winning Powder

Black Widow Scout; Health: 8496 - Lvl 86
Dragon Bone Piece, Litheon, Mithril ore, Perium Mold: Sword, Perium Mold: Dagger, Harmel, Rough Diamonds, Monster of Interger - Lvl 100

Black Widow Chaser; Health: 8635 - Lvl 87
Dragon Scale Leather Piece, Stone of Life, Mithril Ore, Perium Mold: Dagger, Perium Mold: Bow, Wiesel, Rough Diamonds, Monster of Interger - Lvl 100

Black Widow Mage; Health: 7676 - Lvl 88
Fairy Feather Piece, Mana Potion, Heartstone, Fairy Dust, Perium Ore, Perium Mold:Mace, Perium Mold: Wand, Wiesel, Rough Diamonds, Monster of Interger - Lvl 100

Black Widow Sniper; Health: 8249 - Lvl 89
Fairy Feather Piece, Dragon Scale Leather Piece, Manastone, Tear of Spirit, Perium Ore, Perium Mold:Ax, Dragon Scale Leather Pattern: Boots, Harmel, Rough Diamonds, Monster of Interger - Lvl 100


Snowstorm Owner; Health: 17263 - Lv 96
Rune Carving Ore, Dark Avenger, Zephyr’s Breath, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, Mana’s Water, Fairy’s Powder, Rough Diamonds, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 100

Frost Master; Health: 17445 - Lv 97
Rune Carving Ore, Rune Knife, Angelic Stinger, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, Mana’s Water, Fairy’s Powder, Rough Diamonds, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 100

Bloody Queen; Health: 17445 - Lv 97
Rune Carving Ore, Rune Knife, Angelic Stinger, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, Mana’s Water, Fairy’s Powder, Rough Diamonds, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 100

Ice Heart’s Owner; Health: 15584 - Lv 99
Rune Carving Ore, Zephyr’s Wand, Dragon Born Staff, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, Mana’s Water, Fairy’s Powder, Rough Diamonds, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 100

Blue Beard Pirate; Health: 23727 - Lv 100
Advanced Knife, Rune Carving Ore, Rune Knife, Angelic Stinger, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, High Mana’s Water, High Fairy’s Powder, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 100

Blue Beard Pirate (2); Health: 26609 - Lv 101
Long Sword Of Steno, Rune Carving Ore, Rune Blade, Soul Collector, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, High Mana’s Water, High Fairy’s Powder, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 100

Blue Beard Captain; Health: 39365 - Lv 104
Aias's Shield, Rune Carving Ore, Rune Crasher, Dragon Bone Hammer, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, High Mana's Water, High Fairy’s Powder, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 100

Black Beard Morgan; Health: 108223 - Lv 105
Muramasa, Death Mask, Rune Carving Ore, Magnum Blade, Titan's Magnum Blade, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, High Mana's Water, High Fairy's Powder, Rough Diamonds, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 100

Lag Sparrow; Health: 81167 - Lv 105
Cutlass, Barbarian Belt, Rune Carving Ore, Blue Storm, Harpy Blue Storm, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, High Mana's Water, High Fairy's Powder, Rough Diamonds, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 100

One-Eyed Wookies; Health: 324910 - Lv 110
Golden Axe, Kynee, Rune Carving Ore, Sain’ts Tears, Giant’s Saint Tears, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rune Carving Leather Piece, High Mana's Water, High Fairy's Powder, Rough Diamonds, Monster of Interger - 100


Pangpang Slime; Health: 17081 - Lv 95
Stone of Life, Orichalcum, Monster of Interger – 100, Harmel, Rough Diamonds

Poison Slime; Health: 17080 - Lv 95
Mindstone, Moonstone, High Quality Durelin, Monster of Interger – 100, Accesswell, Rough Diamonds

Hornet; Health: 19675 - Lv 96
Gardener's Leather Armor, Emerald, Argentum, HQ Litheon, Monster of Intergers – 100, Rune Carving Ore, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Luminous Flower Of The Crystal

Blood Mosquito; Health: 154524 - Lv 96
Faust's Smart Gloves, Ruby, Durelin, HQ Argentum, Monster of Interger – 100, Perium Ingot, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Fierce Flower Of The Beast

Dryad; Health: 25845 - Lv 98
Wind Crystal, Emerald, HQ Opal, Monster of Interger – 100, Fairy Dust, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Luminous Flower Of The Crystal

Lady Bugs; Health: 22760 - Lv 98
Gardener's Leather Boots, Opal, Litheon, HQ Lightning Strike Crystal, Monster of Interger – 100, Fairy Feather Cloth, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Haggard Iris; Health: 15504 - Lv 98
Faust's Smart Robe, Stone Of Life, Orichalcum, HQ Moonstone, Monster of Interger – 100, Dragon Bone Assence, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Luminous Flower Of The Crystal

Dryad (2); Health: 28450 - Lv 99
Faust's Smart Robe, Lighting Strike Crystal, Ruby, HQ Emerald, Monster of Interger – 100, Fairy Dust, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Fierce Flower Of The Beast

Giant Maggots; Health: 25265 - Lv 106
Sword With Seven Stars, Fairy’s Wings, Opal, HQ Aquamarine, Monster of Interger – 120, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Rose Hair; Health: 18823 - Lv 107
Holy Iron Chain Knight's Power Gauntlet, Litheon, Mindstone, HQ Ruby, Monster of Interger – 120, Fairy Dust, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Mantis; Health: 33489 - Lv 108
Holy Iron Chain Knight's Plate Boots, Orichalcum, Fairy’s Wings, HQ Heartstone, Monster of Interger – 120, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Maggot Paul; Health: 246759 - Lv 109
Holy Iron Chain Knight's Power Gauntlet, Mindstone, Moonstone, HQ Durelin, Monster of Interger – 120, Run Carving Dust, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Maggot Richard; Health: 246759 - Lv 109
Gardener's Leather Armor, Emerald, Argentum, HQ Litheon, Monster of Interger – 120, Harmel, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Luminous Flower Of The Crystal

Maggot George; Health: 246759 - Lv 109
Faust's Smart Gloves, Ruby Durelin, HQ Argentum, Monster of Interger – 120, Wiesel, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Fierce Flower Of The Beast

Maggot John; Health: 246759 - Lv 109
Gardener's Leather Boots, Durelin, Manastone, HQ Stone of Life, Monster of Interger – 120, Rune Carving Leather Piece, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Luminous Flower Of The Crystal

Wild Mantis; Health: 1060637 - Lv 112
Legend: Heart Stone of Evil, Medusa's Staff, Manastone, Sapphire, HQ Orichalcum, Monster of the Integer - 120


Vampire Bat; Health: 15745 - Lv 108
Argentum, Stone of Life, HQ Mindstone, Monster of Interger Lv – 120, Rune Carving Leather Piece, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Kind Dementor; Health: 44682 - Lv 111
Sketch: Faust's Smart Boots, Necklace of Living Body, Moonstone, Heartstone, HQ Manastone, Monster of Interger Lv -120, Dragon Scale Leather, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Fierce Flower Of The Beast

Wild Dementor; Health: 39072 - Lv 112
Sketch: Holy Iron Chain Knight's Plate Armor, Necklace of Living Body, Sapphire, Wind Crystal, HQ Fairy’s Wings, Monster of Interger Lv -120, Rune Carving Ore, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Luminous Flower Of The Crystal

Deformedly Flot; Health: 79259 - Lv 113
Fairy's Wings, Opal, HQ Aquamarine, Monster of Interger Lv – 120, Dragon Bone Assense, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Fierce Flower Of The Beast

Flaccid Footman; Health: 79716 - Lv 114
Sketch: Faust's Smart Boots, Necklace Of The Living Body, Wind Crystal, Emerald, HQ Opal, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120, Fairy Dust, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Skeleton Conjurer; Health: 23119 - Lv 115
Sketch: Holy Iron Chain Knight's Plate Armor, Litheon, Mind Stone, HQ Ruby, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120, Fairy Dust, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Fierce Flower Of The Beast

Trentree; Health: 84199 - Lv 116
Sketch: Holy Iron Chain Knight's Plate Armor, Manastone, Sapphire, HQ Orichalcum, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120, Wiesel, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Tombstone; Health: 84199 - Lv 116
Sketch: Holy Iron Chain Knight's Plate Armor, Hathor's Ring, Moonstone, Heartstone, HQ Manastone, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120, Rune Carving Cloth Piece, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Fierce Flower Of The Beast

Nightmare; Health: 23504 - Lv 117
Sketch: The Gardener's Leather Gloves, Lighting Strike Crystal, Ruby, HQ Emerald, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120, Fairy Dust, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Luminous Flower Of The Crystal

Werewolf; Health: 11843 - Lv 118
Sketch: The Gardener's Leather Gloves, Durelin, Manastone, HQ Stone of Life, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120, Dragon Scale Leather, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Luminous Flower Of The Crystal

Mummy; Health: 20140 - Lv 118
Sketch: Faust's Smart Boots, Hathor’s Ring, Orichalcum, Fiary’s Wings, HQ Heartstone, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120, Fairy Feather Cloth, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Ghost Esquire; Health: 39330 - Lv 119
Sketch: The Gardener's Leather Gloves, Sekhmet’s Ring, Aquamarine, Lightning Strike Crystal, HQ Wind Crystal, Monster of Interger – 120, Perium Ingot, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Fierce Flower Of The Beast

Fighter in the Wind; Health: 101925 - Lv 119
Legend: Heart Stone of Evil, Hathor's Ring, Medusa's Staff, Seed (Lv 4): Fierce Flower Of The Beast, Aquamarine, Lighting Strike Crystal, High Quality Wind Crystal, Sketch: The Gardener's Leather Gloves, Monster of the Interger – Lv 120

Ghost Knight; Health: 40953 - Lv 120
Sketch: Faust's Smart Boots, Sekhmet’s Ring, Opal, Litheon, HQ Lightning Strike Crystal, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120, Accesswell, Rough Diamonds, Seed[Lv 3]: Shining Magical Power Flower

Huge Mummy; Health: 1082207 - Lv 122
Legend: Heart Stone Of Evil, Sketch: Faust's Smart Boots, Hathor's Ring, [Sword With Seven Stars, Sapphire, Wind Crystal, HQ Fairy’s Wings, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120, Seed[Lv 3]: Luminous Flower Of The Crystal

Austere Grand Master; Health: 1646259 - Lv 123
Legend: The Lower Ends Of Goddess's Skirt, Sketch: Holy Iron Chain Knight's Plate Armor, Sekhmet’s Ring, Euryale’s Bow, Argentum, Stone of Life, HQ Mindstone, Monster Of The Integers - Lv 120


- Shock Wave
- Dark Illusion
- Shield Training
- Solid Shield
- Iron Shield
- Sword Storm / Spirit Sword can be used without Sword [POSITIVE BUG ]
- Attract Circle - Bugged after Rank 20
- Earthquake - Bugged after Rank 20
- Risk Taker - Always active (Relog after learning the skill to activate)

- Fire Trap
- Ice Trap
- Dual Wield cannot use Dagger only skills
- Shield Boomerang can be used without Shield
- Blade Taker Active Skills - Bugged



Lvl. - Exp.

1 - 80
2 - 230
3 - 510
4 - 990
5 - 1840
6 - 2690
7 - 3840
8 - 5410
9 - 7,400
10 - 12,710
11 - 16,360
12 - 20,880
13 - 26,080
14 - 32,360
15 - 39,650
16 - 48,080
17 - 57,730
18 - 68,970
19 - 81,750
20 - 105,408
21 - 126,712
22 - 151,360
23 - 179,712
24 - 211,320
25 - 247,264
26 - 287,448
27 - 332,216
28 - 381,872
29 - 437,344
30 - 689,135
31 - 782,496
32 - 885,633
33 - 998,150
34 - 1,120,694
35 - 1,254,781
36 - 1,400,131
37 - 1,557,192
38 - 1,727,960
39 - 1,913,257
40 - 2,543,518
41 - 2,797,454
42 - 3,070,174
43 - 3,363,131
44 - 3,675,069
45 - 4,009,086
46 - 4,504,968
47 - 5,046,413
48 - 5,633,285
49 - 6,268,912
50 - 9,121,518
51 - 10,075,842
52 - 11,103,664
53 - 12,208,331
54 - 13,388,357
55 - 14,657,843
56 - 16,018,704
57 - 17,468,849
58 - 19,011,814
59 - 20,661,368
60 - 28,117,898
61 - 30,961,809
62 - 34,024,110
63 - 37,304,270
64 - 40,807,967
65 - 44,577,198
66 - 48,581,489
67 - 52,860,964
68 - 57,424,224
69 - 62,271,706
70 - 67,430,927
71 - 73,943,522
72 - 80,901,517
73 - 88,367,864
74 - 96,303,002
75 - 116,985,118
76 - 143,226,030
77 - 155,584,354
78 - 168,739,178
79 - 182,699,045
80 - 197,492,642
81 - 213,183,220
82 - 229,818,748
83 - 247,391,574
84 - 265,939,315
85 - 357,290,213
86 - 386,951,620
87 - 418,380,031
88 - 451,657,229
89 - 486,929,535
90 - 524,265,054
91 - 563,601,320
92 - 605,244,884
93 - 649,125,559
94 - 695,321,172
95 - 869,831,404
96 - 930,344,038
97 - 994,047,522
98 - 1,060,941,388
99 - 1,131,253,578
100 - 1,385,723,184
101 - 1,702,481,596
102 - 2,018,430,838
103 - 2,389,026,931
104 - 2,799,544,566
105 - 3,284,640,308
106 - 3,577,509,443
107 - 3,888,741,793
108 - 4,257,339,696
109 - 4,650,248,697
110 - 5,316,996,940
111 - 5,598,021,412
112 - 5,890,589,701
113 - 6,194,455,424
114 - 6,510,516,056
115 - 6,838,470,924
116 - 7,179,292,738
117 - 7,532,676,724
118 - 7,899,622,740
119 - 8,279,767,028
120 - 8,673,425,748
121 - 9,081,706,670
122 - 9,504,223,216
123 - 9,942,083,005
124 - 10,394,892,940
125 - 10,863,817,895
126 - 11,348,398,303
127 - 11,849,919,354
128 - 12,367,853,012
129 - 12,903,514,996
130 - 13,456,335,156
131 - 14,026,749,422
132 - 14,616,103,007
133 - 15,223,828,278
134 - 15,851,368,186
135 - 16,499,268,180
136 - 17,165,607,317
137 - 17,853,090,840
138 - 18,562,249,922
139 - 19,292,273,884
140 - 31,831,702,334
141 - 33,617,976,669
142 - 35,950,291,829
143 - 38,899,603,727
144 - 42,548,466,308
145 - 85,569,974,988
146 - 97,781,204,213
147 - 111,159,210,037
148 - 125,761,417,540
149 - 141,651,777,492
150 - 158,904,780,226


Lvl 1-20

gate of alker.
its very easy.
just kill slimes,king slimes,and high turtles till ur lvl 20
(If ur a mage class.. kill the fungus rook..it drops a blue wand for u to use : D)

and if u can handle the boss here kusku the fungus boss. he drops a red 1-hand sword

then go into alker harbor then change job.
open all ur boxes and wear all the chicken costume. it gives you a good 5% pdef/pattack
buy all the buff potions on tasartia. buy 20% exp scroll and scroll save..use them all
the gold u looted from gate of alker should suffice with all of this

Lvl 20-30 or 20-35

go to zakandia.
kill the bears here. with ur buff potions this would be easy.

and try to look for the bear boss. he drops a blue belt (bear leather belt)

then kill some golems at the bottom of the map.exp will fly by at this rate.

Lvl 35-40

go to moonblind swamp

kill the yellow golems

and if u can handle the black gargoyle boss..he drops a red belt (belt of darkness)..good for mages : D
now ur lvl 40. u can change job again.

Lvl 40-50

go to the way to howling ravine

kill the basilisks. they drop a holyove..a blue wand

then kill some giants for faster exp : D
well I can lvl till 55 here with giants

Lvl 50-60

go to howling ravine

the gold loot here is good.
kill the harpy,basilisk and all monsters u encounter : D
btw I forgot,buy a lvl 50 weapon and lvl 50 gears..enchant it to +7 for more damage and defence

u can kill the boss here..named latou he drops cruel butcher a red two handed axe

Lvl 60-65

go to howling ravine cave

its just on the opening part of the map..
kill those basilisks till ur 65 or more.then go deeper the cave

look for the ogres..if u can solo them..good..but if u cant..look for a party!
uhm..so many set armors here that I cant say them all..try to kill all the monsters here and they drop set armors : D

or u can go to dried gazelle fall..kill the treasure chest monsters and the macho-ghost monsters (forgot their name XD) beware of the long ranged red monsters (sorry forgot their names too) they hit hard

Lvl 65-75

just like above.. kill all the monsters u encounter at howling ravine cave.

or u can go to howling ravine cave 2.
the monsters hits harder but better exp
boom! ur lvl 75. time for a change job!

Lvl 75

U can go to howling ravine cave 2..its good exp till 80-82
and yeah..u can get set items from monsters here too

Lvl 80

go to valley of fairies.

kill the flower monsters.
if the exp isnt enough for you.
go deeper.

(kill the treent and elder treent if ur a mage class) they give really good exp..but if ur physical attack character.
uhm. they are hard to kill

go deeper the map and look for kentauros monster. they give nice exp..but they have really high hp

and uhm..always DD (dungeon date)

Lvl 90! yey!

go to ghost-tree swamp
well this map is the poor man's naila harbor. (coz this map is like mini version of naila harbor. coz of gold drop and loots)

go deeper into the map.
look for the horse monsters
they give really good gold and they drop a helm that has 15 int. and one that has 10 dex and one that has 10 str. (I dunno if that is accurate)
and they drop wiesel and harmels..which are useful if u like crafting armors and weapons

at this map..ur patience and grinding skills will be tested.

Lvl 100+

go to naila harbor
yey! since the server was wiped-out.
its kinda hard to train at this map
but this map has the best loots,gold drop,and rare item drops.

u can go solo or party ..its ur choice.

the lvl 100 pirate dude..drops advanced knife a red dagger. really good for rogues

the lvl 105 pirate dude drops aias shield a blue shield with good defence stat

black beard morgan(boss) drops magnum blade i think its color is white. titan's
magnumblade a green 1 hand sword..its like a magnum blade but with a +20 str stat

my favorite boss. kynee!..uhm mean..one-eyed wookiss
he drops kynee a red helm with stealth skill
and golden axe a red 2-handed axe : D

I forgot who drops these:
death mask
barbarian belt
and a mace that has 20 vit..forgot its name

uhm u can farm/train here till 112..the exp is good
and if ur lucky and u got those items..I will gladly accepts ur donations : D lol joke
and btw..lvl 105 is change job time : D go to naila village and talk to cindamook

Lvl 112+
go to graveyard of the knights


Heres the Path:

Mage > Wizard > Sorcerer > Inquirer > Cardinal
o Cleric : +12 Vitality +5% MP
o Wizard : +10% Magic Attack +10% Casting Speed

We are aiming for High Magic Damage, so i prefer Wizard to get 10% Magic Attack and 10% Casting Speed

Change Job Map Location:

o Wizard - Alker Harbor
o Sorcerer - Alker Harbor
o Inquirer - Red Orc Outpost
o Cardinal - Naila Village


Put all the stats to Intelligence


Mage Level 1-19:

Active Skills:

o Fire Ball - Single Targeted Offensive skill
o Intelligence - Buff Skill that can be Buff to others

Passive Skills:

o Spell Barrier [Max]

Wizard Level 20-39:

Active Skills:

o Fire Ball [Max]
o Wind Spike [Max]
o Wizardy [Max]
o Bloodstream [Optional, if you find your lack in MP]
o Intelligence [Max]
o Wisdom [Max]

Passive Skills:

o Spell Craft [Max]
o Spell Barrier [Max]

Sorcerer Level 40-74:

Active Skills:

o Fire Ball [Remain Level 10]
o Wind Spike [Max]
o Blizzard [Max]
o Fire Blast [Max]
o Wizardy [Max]
o Bloodstream [Optional, if you find your lack in MP]
o Intelligence [Max]
o Wisdom [Max]

Passive Skills:

o Spell Craft [Max]
o Spell Barrier [Max]

Inquirer Level 75-104:

*Note: You can still use Holy Justice skill while using Athena except Holy Spike, Uppercut and Swing which is working in Wand/Staffs only.*

Active Skills:

o Fire Ball [Remain Level 10]
o Wind Spike [Max]
o Blizzard [Max]
o Holy Justice [Max]
o Holy Uppercut [Level 10]
o Holy Swing [Level 10]
o Holy Spike [Level 10]
o Fire Blast [Max]
o Wizardy [Max]
o Concentration [Max]
o Bloodstream [Optional, if you find your lack in MP]
o Twinlke Magic [Max]
o Armor Link [Max]
o Intelligence [Max]
o Wisdom [Max]
o Fortunate Magic [Max]
o Bless Vital [Max]
o Bless Mind [Max]
o Angelic Touch > Angelic Breath [Max]

Passive Skills:

o Spell Craft [Max]
o Spell Barrier [Max]
o Light Armor Expertise [Max]
o Enhanced HP [Max]
o Witch Craft [Max]


You need to reset your skill once you change into Cardinal.*

Cardinal Level 105-125:

*Note: You need Purified Aquamarine to use Level 6-10 Turn Undead. How to craft? Destruct Aquamarine to get Aquamarine piece and buy Purified Water then Construct.*

Active Skills:

o Fast Heal [Level 1 is enough]
o Holy Taker [Max]
o Shield of Justice [Max]
o Turn Undead [Max]
o Wizardy [Max]
o Bloodstream [Optional, if you find your lack in MP]
o Twinlke Magic [Max]
o Concentration [Max]
o Orpheus's Poem [Max]
o Armor Link [Max]
o Beholder [Optional but i prefer Level 5]
o Intelligence [Max]
o Wisdom [Max]
o Fortunate Magic [Max]
o Bless Vital [Max]
o Shrewd Spell [Max]
o Shield [Max]
o Holy Barrier [Max]
o Bless Mind [Remain Level 5]
o Bless Wind [Remain Level 5]
o Mind Barrier [Remain Level 5]
o Angelic Touch > Angelic Breath [Max]
o Cripple [Max]

Passive Skills:

o Spell Craft [Max]
o Spell Barrier [Max]
o Robe Armor Expertise [Max it Later]
o Light Armor Expertise [Optional]
o Enhanced HP [Max]
o Witch Craft [Max]


Level 1-75:

You can buy Robes in the NPC's or if you want more stats, you can craft and upgrade it until +7.

You can buy the following Robes at:

o Level 1-20: Alker Harbor
o Level 25-50: Zakandia
o Level 55-75: Naila Village

Weapons to be Use:

*Note: I prefer Wands so you can use Shield for more defense.*

o Arcwand : Level 33 Wand
o Holy Ove : Level 51 Wand
o Wizardly Wand : Level 63 Wand
o Zukini's Death Wand : Level 64 Wand

Level 80-104:

Equipments, i highly recommend Depraved Monkey Light Armor Set and Yoma's Circlet. You can use it until Level 104, or if you cant afford, just craft a Light Set w/ Vitality or Intelligence crafted stats.

Weapons to be Use:

o Ahtena's Mithril Hammer : Level 82 Special Hammer for Mage.

Level 105+

*Note: If you can't train properly with robe set, you can still use light set for more Defense.*

o Faust Robe : must be 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Vit Reinforce
o Faust Boots : must be 20+ Int Crafted Stats and must be 20+ Int Philo w/ 25 Vit Reinforce
o Secret Formula Gloves : must be 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Int Reinforce
o Secret Formula Necklace : must be 20+ Int Philo w/ 600+ HP Reinforce
o Hathor Rings : must be 20+Int Philo w/ 500+ MP Reinforce
o Gemini / Castor Earing : 18+ Int Philo w/ 500+ MP Reinforce
o Kynee : 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Int Reinforce
o Aias's Shield
o Eternal Flame Belt or Belt of Darkness
o Jasmine : 20gp w/ 10 Int 5 Wisdom (can\\\'t be traded)

Weapon to be Use:

o Medusa Staff: Int Philo w/ Magic Attack Reinforce
o Athena's Mithril Hammer: Int Philo w/ Magic Attack Reinforce


I recommend +15% HP/MP/MS for suit, Shini Gloves +500hp, Any shoes w/ +2vit, Skelly Mask, Hellenopolis Cape, 3%int Headband, Int Glasses. But its still up to you if your prefer Fashion.


Stun/Sleep Combo:

Combo: Angelic Breath > wait for the Angelic's CD > Shield of Justice > Turn Undead > Repeat

Most of the time i can 1-2 hits my opponents. Yes you Can do it too! Cardinal is Versatile, you can win in any Duel/GW but you need to Handle it Properlly and good Equips Also.

Equips that can boost Magic Attack:

o Alberigs Staff - 5% Magic Attack
o Helm of Pluto - 2% Magic Attack
o You\\\'re Fierce - Witch Master Skill Lv 1


Don\\\'t Forget! Pet\\\'s can buff, it will help a lot.

Training Map:

o Level 1-15 : Alker Gate
o Level 15-20 : Ruins of Draconian
o Level 20-30 : Zakandia
o Level 30-35 : Moon Blind Forest
o Level 35-40 : Moon Blind Swamp
o Level 40-60 : Howling Ravine
o Level 60-83 : Howling Cave 2nd floor
o Level 83-90 : Valley of Fairy Level 90 to 100
o Level 90-100 : Ghost Tree Swamp
o Level 100-105 : Huge Garden
o Level 105-110 : Naila Harbor
o Level 110-125 : Grave of the Knights